Vindhya Infomedia

Vindhya infomedia is a leading call center & data management outsourcing services company with the vision of bringing Business and Philanthropy together.

Project Details

Project Details

Vindhya Infomedia sought to revamp their website to provide a clearer and more organized presentation of their services.

This refresh aimed to deliver a modern aesthetic that effectively communicates their offerings to their target audience.

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8 Weeks



Typography &  Colors

We preserved the core brand colors while introducing modern variations to expand the identity's range.

We selected the Neue Haas Grotesk typeface to complement the visual refresh, ensuring a cohesive and contemporary brand experience.

Website Design

We designed the website with a minimalist approach, utilizing a three-color palette of black, white, and orange, and incorporating subtle animations for a stunning and interactive user experience.

We created in-depth service pages for each category, outlining all services and sub-services.

Impact In Numbers

Impact In Numbers

The redesigned website helped Vindhya Infomedia revitalize their visual identity with a modern look.

Ever since the launch of the new website, Vindhya Infomedia experienced a surge in their website traffic with the help of the newly revamped service pages.


SEO Traffic Growth


Increase In Branded Searches

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